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Grass Roots Golf initiatives are wide spread across the World, with Governing Bodies, Regional & County Associations, Clubs, Driving Ranges, Golf Studios and individuals launching their own initiatives , the range of opportunities for women to try golf and develop their skills to a leavel which they can enjoy golf both on and off a golf course is growing and with the current initiatives from the R&A and the USGA driving and supporting them, the momentum is building for a positive future of women and girls golf.

Grass Roots Initiatives

There are a number of Grass Roots Initiatives  across the Golf Community which can be adapted and adopted for women and girls golf.

Challenges Getting in to Golf

TIME – One major challenge with women and girls who look at golf as a sport to participate in, is the time needed to play.   It is assumed that 18 holes is the only format and all players are or have been introduced to golf as an 18 hole format, which takes 3.5-5 hours to play, add in travelling to a golf course,  and staying for a post round tea, coffee or wine and the time adds up.

COST – Another major challenge is the costs involved in joining a club, buying shoes, golf clubs, balls tees etc, it all adds up and if you are not sure if you will like it then, the potential cost puts individuals off giving it a go or even once they have tried it, the initial costs can be off putting for players of any age.

There are a number of ways, clubs can introduce women to golf, with quicker formats and less cost, some examples.


The Golf foundation have created a GOLF SIXES League for juniors getting in to golf.  This is an excellent initiative which can be used for:

  • women getting in to golf
  • working women who want a fast format to enjoy with their friends
  • declining golfers who remain competitive but are not able to play 9 of 18 holes can enjoy competition in a shorter fun format

Multiple Access routes in to a club – including $5 for 5 Holes

Medway Golf Club in Australia, a finalist in the visionary of the year in 2021, watch their video HERE, with their multi-tier pathways for women in to golf, including, 5 for 5 initiative.

A number of clubs have one or more pathways for women to join their club, most of which will reflect one or more of the pathways idenitfied by Medway Golf club:

LEVEL 1 – I haven’t played before or I’m still pretty new to the game

  • Women’s beginner clinics – no equipment needed.  Group sessions for women new to golf.

LEVEL 2 – I’ve come along to group classes or private lessons and am keen to have a go on the course with women at a similar stage to me.

  • Weekday Mornings/Weekend afternoons:  Play 5 holes for $5
  • Actual times can vary depending on seasons and events
  • All equipment is provided if needed.  5 holes will usually take 1- 1.5 hours, a quick way to get experience on the course in a small group.

LEVEL 3 – I’ve played for a little while and would like to play on the course more often and try out a membership.

  • 6 Month Trial Membership! Includes unlimited golf at off peak times and includes 3 x 30 or 90 minutes worth of coaching / clinics. Or similar model.

LEVEL 4- I want to play regularly and are comfortable playing competition or at least wish to play regularly with golfers at a club level and make lots of new friends.

  • Traditional Membership offers- see Medway membership page for membership types.
  • Typical time spent in this category- hopefully for the rest of your playing days.

9 HOLE Competitions

Any club with a measured 9 holes can offer players both 9 hole handicap qualifying or non-qualifying competitions, these are a great way to introduce women in to a quicker format of handicap qualifying or social golf.

Grass Roots Resources

The Governing Bodies of Golf have created “get in to golf” initiatives and resources, click on the logo to go to the get in to golf initaitves:



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