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Best Practice Resources are collected from around the globe.

Golf Australia

Vision 2025

In 2018, Golf Australia launched their vision and strategy for Women and Girls in Golf.  A copy of their vision document can be found HERE.

A key aspect of Golf Australia’s Vision 2025, is their Steering Group, which has representatives from Golf Australia working with leaders from the other National Governing Bodies to ensure their alignment across all of Golf in Australia.

Golf Australia identified 4 pillars to underpin their strategy.

  • Grass Roots
  • High Performance & Coaching
  • Culture & Leadership
  • Marketing & Positioning

Following the development of their strategy, Golf Australia developed their “Even Par” Program, which provides clubs with a framework through which to lead and manage change for women and other minority groups in the community.  A link  to the launch video is HERE

The Even Par Resources can be downloaded below:

Download the Even Par Club Checklist and Case Study Tool HERE

Download: Even Par planning template HERE

Download: Even Par leadership statement HERE

Golf Canada

Golf Canada Long Term Player Development Program

The Long Term Player Development Program, which can be downloaded HERE

The Player Development Stages can be found from pages 20 (24 when scrolling) – 64 (72 when scrolling)

The “Golf For Life” plan which can be found from page 65 (69 when scrolling) – 69 (73 when scrolling)

Golf Ireland

Golf Ireland have dedicated a section of their website to include a beginners section with key information including “Top Tips” for golfers new to the game.

Click HERE to see the top tips section, including how to fill in a scorecard – check it out HERE

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