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Leading Change

Change is uncomfortable, change is inevitable.

Women need to be front and centre of the Future of Womens Golf.

This section has brought together information and tools from across Golf National Governing Bodies, to provide insight, ideas and tolls which can be used within clubs, counties and associations to support and evolve the womens golf experience in the UK.

Golf Australia

Golf Australia has the most rounded strategy, with tools that can be used within clubs, counties and associations to support the evolution of the womens golf experience.
From The Golf Australia website:
“In February 2018, Golf Australia launched a strategy to address a fundamental imbalance in the game and draw more women and girls to golf – Vision 2025. The four-pillar strategy aims to significantly increase participation rates, along with improving culture at golf clubs around the country so that our game is opened up to everyone.”

The UK Equality Act, 2010, has a provision for members of clubs and associations, the details are HERE

England Golf have developed a great framework for clubs and counties to use to support their work in Diversity, Equality and Inclusivity. The following links will provide a framework, template pollicies and guidelines for their use in to your clubs and counties:

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Framework is built on three key pillars, click HERE:

• Everyone is treated fairly so they may enjoy all aspects of golf (Equality)

• Everyone is recognised and can see themselves and be seen in golf (Diversity)

• Everyone is welcomed and feels that they belong in golf (Inclusion)

Download the accessible version of the England Golf Frame work HERE


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion GUIDANCE Template – Download HERE


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion POLICY Template – Download HERE


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion GUIDANCE Template – Download HERE


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion POLICY Template – Download HERE

Golf Australia created a template and checklist, for club leadership teams to use as a guide when managing change within their clubs.

Golf Australias Summary of Areas of Change.

Golf Australias Full Club Check list – Sample

DOWNLOADABLE Editiable, UK adapted check list in excel format

HERE – UK Version of Australia Club Check list

More women in club management positions, female club captains, the womens golf experience designed and delivered in partnership with female members, ensuring the womens golf exprience is enhanced and available 7 dayes a week, create more open competitions and events for women to experience and enjoy the club facilities and the course, 7 days a week,
Work on creating a welcoming environement for all golfers, of all abilities and backgrounds – equal access, equal rights.

 Grassroots: Introductions to golf that are friendlier and more social; more emphasis on fun and family; better transition to courses and clubs; hubs and networks for women and girls.

3. High performance and coaching: More heroes to inspire the next generation; more female coaches to nurture and develop them; more chances for the elite to compete and hone their skills.

4. Marketing and positioning: Changing the way the sport is perceived; more women and girls proud to say ‘I play golf’; promoting the fun, healthy, social game – a second sport and a sport for life.”
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