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Fun Competition Formats

We are collating a selection of fun formats for you to play when out practicing and having fun with your friends.

Please contact to let us know your favourite formats and we will add them to our list.

Each player declares their handicap index at the start of the round, the group agree which handicap index to use for the game, this may be dictated by the format of the game or can be agreed between the group for the round:

WHS Handicap Index: 

A player’s current WHS Handicap Index, calculated by the best 8 scores from the last 20 qualifying rounds played.

Course handicap:

The handicap a player plays with on a course, based on their WHS Handicap Index and the Slope Index of the course they are playing.

The slope index is the number associated with the level of difficulty of a course from the different tees for both male and female golfers.  Slope tables are available at every course and course handicaps can be found in mobile scoring apps including IG, V1, England golf and other national governing bodies scoring apps.

Playing Handicap

The playing handicap can vary from the course handicap based on the format of game being played.  In a fun format, players can choose to use the course handicap, for other formats, players can refer to the RandA handicap allowance table below:

Different formats which can be played in groups 2, 3 or 4.


Stroke Play/Medal

  • Classic game of golf for any number of players.
  • Each player counts the number of strokes it takes to finish a hole, at the end of the round. Each player deducts their playing handicap* for qualifying or non-qualifying competitions
  • The player with the lowest score wins.

Stroke Play/Medal – maximum shots per hole section 2

  • Classic game of golf for any number of players.
  • Each player counts the number of strokes, up to the maximum number of shots allowed per hole.  Having a maximum number of shots per hole, prevents players from taking an excess number of shots, holding up the field if they get in trouble or submitting No Returns Scores.

There are 3 methods of allocating a maximum number of shots per hole.

  • Double par on each hole, 10 for par 5, 8 for par 4, 6 for par 3
  • Nett double bogey per hole per player, equivalent to ZERO stableford points on a hole
  • Fixed number i.e. max 10 on any hole on the course

Each player deducts their playing handicap* for qualifying or non-qualifying competitions

The player with the lowest score wins.

*Playing handicap: for a WHS Handicap competition, players should refer to the course handicap and playing handicap table above for adjustments.


Stableford is a form of stroke play where a player or team, receive points based on the number of shots they take from tee to hole compared with the target number of shots, with extra shots allocated to each hole, based on the player or team’s handicap.

    • More than one over fixed target score or no score returned – 0 Points
    • One over fixed target score – 1 Point
    • Fixed target score – 2 Points
    • One under fixed target score – 3 Points
    • Two under fixed target score – 4 Points
    • Three under fixed target score – 5 Points
    • Four under fixed target score – 6 Points

A player who does not hole out under the Rules for any reason gets zero points for the hole.

The winner is the player or team with the most points.


Six-Six-Six (3 players)

There are 6 points up for grabs on each hole.

  • If someone wins the hole outright, they get 4 points.
  • The player that comes in second gets 2 points.
  • If the 2 bottom players tie they each get 1 point.
  • If 2 players tie for the win they each get 3 points and the bottom player gets none.

Nines (3 players)

Similar to 6’s, with each hole worth nine points.

  • If someone wins the hole outright, they get 5 points.
  • The player that comes in second gets 3 points.
  • The player that comes in third gets 1 point.
  • If the 2 bottom players tie they each get 2 points.
  • If 2 players tie for the win they each get 4 points and the bottom player gets 1 point.

3 or 4  PLAYERS

Chairman or On the Perch (3 or 4 players)

  • The player with the lowest score on a hole becomes the Chairman.
  • If they win the next hole again they are still the Chairman.
  • If 2 players tie for the best score, the current Chairman remains the same.
  • The person who is the Chairman for the most holes wins.

 Snake (3 or 4 players)

  • The first thing you’ll need to do is set a bet – buying the post round drinks or ?
  • Whenever someone 3-putts a hole they become the Snake.
  • If someone else 3-putts they become the new Snake.
  • The person who is the Snake at the end of the round has to pay the set bet.

 Lagging (3 or 4 players)

Lagging awards points to players once they have landed on the green.

  • The player closest to the pin gets 3 points
  • The second closest gets 2 points,
  • The next closest gets 1 point, and the furthest person away gets zero points.
  • The player with the most points by the end wins.



4 players play as 2 teams of 2,

  • The player with the lowest number of shots from tee to green is the winner of the hole and their team gets a point.
  • If a bigger group, 8, 12 players, then there are 4 or 6 teams of 2 and at the end the team with the most points for won holes is the winner.


4BBB Round Robin (4 players)

In this game, you’ll change partners every six holes.

  • 4 ball better ball is where you play as a team of 2 players.
  • The player who scores best on each hole is the score for the teams for that hole
  • The team who gets the best score wins the hole
  • Count the number of shots taken by each player

Both players in the winning team gets a point for each hole.  At the end of the round players will get points for each hole the team they are in wins.

The winner is the player with the most points at the end.

Round Robin (4 players)

In this game, you’ll change partners every six holes.

  • Players are award 1 points for winning a hole
  • Players are awarded a point for being in the team that wins a hole.

You can play any style of game.

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