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Women on the Tee are creating a comprehensive schedule of women’s competitions and events.

Our aim is to provide information about when and where amateur elite golf competitions are taking place and provide links to the competition entries as well as date and venues details to give other women golfer’s the opportunity to spectate and support our elite women golfers.

Our Womens Schedule includes:

  • Women on the Tee, WOTT, Events
  • Elite International Championships
  • Elite National Championships
  • Veteran Association Regional Championships
  • National Team & Foursomes Competitions
  • Scratch Womens Competitions

4 Stableford


Scratch & Handicap Prizes


Womens Pro-Am

Enter on your own and play in handicap order, enter with friends and play in handicap order, with the group and play in the highest handicap slot.

Click on Images below to enter

As we grow Women on the Tee, we would like to include other competitions in our schedule, to provide information about other competitions, please email the TEAM

If you are interested in club OPEN competitions, please go to GOLF EMPIRE.

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