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Game On -the unstoppable rise of women’s sport

Game On – The Unstoppable Rise of Women’s Sport, published this month is a great read for anyone interested in the evolution of Women’s Sport and explains why Women’s sport is at a tipping point, with Deloitte Sports Business Group, predicting that 2021-22 will be the breakaway season for women’s sport.

While Game On focuses on the professional side of sport, it is well worth a read as it provides, history and examples of key figures, both men and women, instrumental in supporting and developing women’s sport.

The European Tour, while a men’s tour, have signed the RandA Women in Golf Charter, their Pledge can be found under the organisations tab, alongside other organisations, including Women on the Tee who have pledged to support Women’s Golf.  Through the Legends Tour, presented by Staysure, new and innovative playing opportunities are being created for all amateur golfers.

Women on the Tee have been fortunate to be recognised by the Legends Team as a new and innovative initiative for Women’s Golf and have provided support by

  • running a clinic for 12 members at the European Senior PGA Championship on the 31st July
  • providing the first prize in the WOTT Pro-Am, held on the 19th August, a Team Entry into a Legends Pro-Am in 2022.
  • creating a WOTT members hotline offering 15% discount on travel and golf insurance (WOTT receive 5% of any travel insurance purchased by a WOTT member)

Slingsby Gin, another Women on the Tee, supporter are raising awareness of Women’s Golf, with their Celebrity Academy initiative, with Helen Skelton, winning an entry in the PGA Pro-Am at the BMW PGA Championship at Wentworth this week.

Research shows that women, drive 70-80% of all consumer purchasing through their own buying power and influence.  Even when women are not making the purchase directly, they do have significant influence in what is purchased, which means that there is a commercial element to organisations supporting women’s sport.  It is not all about selling products and services but recognising the positive impact of having a diverse workforce has on the growth and health of an organisation.

We see this with Mastercards sponsorship and support of the RandA Women in Golf Charter, led by Ann Cairns, Executive Vice Chair responsible for Innovation, Diversity and Inclusivity and chair of the 30% club.

The RandA is driving change through creating partnerships with golfing bodies, and both commercial and not for profit organisations through the Women In Golf Charter and the #Foreeveryone initiatives, which are delivered at national levels:

England Golf      Current Signatory Clubs List
Golf Ireland
Scottish Golf
Wales Golf

Golf Australia has created a Vision 25 for making golf more inclusive for Women and Girls, through offering different pathways into golf and for the development of individuals at all levels.

As more organisations step up and support, not just women’s golf, but other sports, we should see new opportunities for existing and new players to participate in and enjoy.

As the 2021 Golf season comes to an end, there are positive changes ahead.

2022 Dates for your Diary

Inb addition to the dates below we are working on new initiatives to create more playing opportunities for women golfers.

Championship Courses

21st April – High Post GC
4th July    – Enville GC
15th July  – Burnham & Berrow GC
8th Aug    – Gog Magog GC – Date Change
21-22 Sep – Ganton GC

Scratch & Handicap Stableford

Join the WOTT women golfer’s community

Access Women on the Tee Events
Membership and Tournaments managed using
Golf Genius Tournament Software
Access The WOTT-WPGA All Female Pro-Am
15% discount on Staysure Travel and Golf insurance

WOTT Members Bag Tag to easily recognise other members.

WOTT Membership £30 in 2021

Learn more about Julie, WOTT Founder on Linkedin
& slightly out of date personal Blog
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