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Organisation Status – May 2021

Over the last couple of weeks, there have been questions raised about the organisational status of Women on the Tee.

Women on the Tee is a non profit organisation registered with Companies House in England, company number 13126784.As a non-profit organisation, Women on the Tee will operate in a similar fashion to England Golf and other national governing bodies of sport and member run golf clubs, with all income will go towards running and managing the Women on the Tee, the competitions and events for women golfers.

Women on the Tee has one mission that is to create more golfing opportunities for amateur women golfers.  See the Women in Golf Charter Pledge below, which will be uploaded to the RandA website soon.

Women on the Tee needs to a legal entity in order to obtain a bank account and to be recognised by other organisations such as the RandA, national governing bodies, the PGA, The European Tour and Staysure and any other organisation who is interested in partnering or working with Women on the Tee in the future.

Women on the Tee will generate income in 3 ways:

Membership Subscription
As with any golf club, membership subscriptions will be needed to cover the costs of running, marketing and administering the operation, this will include, the technology used to run WOTT and the different events, in time salaries and expenses of the individuals employed and volunteers who help to run Women on the Tee, and the different individual events.

Women on the Tee is a virtual golf club, which is looking to create competitions and events for women golfers across the UK and in time, if there is an appetite for it internationally too, where women can  to participate in and become part of a community of women golfers who can play with and meet like minded golfers.

Event Entry Fees
Each event will have its own entry fee this will be made up of a number of costs, the Green Fee, tee and coffee on arrival, the expenses for the volunteers helping to run the events, prizes and any other overheads that need to be covered by the event.

Women on the Tee, are paying host venues guest or visitor green fees for each tee time we book. We are booking tee times, this allows venues to block out a set of tee times for the Women on the Tee competition or event, and make the course available to members, guest and visitors before and after the event, ensure the clubs can maximize their income from the days, we are playing on the courses.

Sponsorship, Partner and Affiliate income
In order to supplement the income from the membership fees and the entry fees, the Women on the Tee will look to find sponsors and partners who are open to supporting women’s golf through sponsoring our events, or partnering with us on joint events with other organisations.

We have our FIRST Partner, the European Senior Tour, who will be:

  • doing a press release to announce our partnership
  • offering a team prize for the Women on the Tee Pro-Am
  • they will be running a skills clinic, with their players for Women on the Tee members at their flagship event at Formby on the 31st July
  • we are working on a plan to work together 2022 and beyond

Our FIRST affiliate will be Staysure insurance, sponsors and affiliate partner of the European Tour, details of this partnership will be announced in the coming weeks.In order for Women on the Tee to exist and to create and deliver new opportunities for women golfers, then we need to be a legal entity which adheres to rules of how we operate and fund the organisation.

To date, Women on the Tee has been funded by me, Julie Walker, however in order to be able to run a professional organisation delivering creating and delivering well run competition and events it needs a team of people and we are very lucky to have some people offering their time and knowledge to support Women on the Tee in these early days and with our first Event at Mill Ride there is a brilliant team form Mill Ride who have stepped up to make this a great first event.

Women in Golf Charter 
Women on the Tee is a MASSIVE supporter of the Rand A Women in Golf Charter initiative and we want to work with women in golf charter signatory venues and spread the word to others, who are not involved yet.

Below is the the Women on the Tee, Women in Golf Charter Pledge, which has been approved by and will be uploaded to the RandA website soon.

Women on the Tee
Women in Golf Charter Pledge

Women on the Tee is committed to creating and developing a competitive pathway to empower amateur women golfers to reach their desired potential and support their aspirations through a welcoming and inclusive environment, providing opportunities to play, compete and thrive as amateur women golfers.
Women on the Tee are committed to building a network of players, clubs and associations to create and deliver events through shared values and a commitment to amateur women’s golf.

Women on the Tee are

  • working to create a welcoming member based organisation which works together to develop an inclusive and accessible schedule of events and tournaments
  • creating opportunities for amateur women to test, improve and develop their skills through meeting and playing with like-minded amateur women golfers across regions and borders
  • looking to evolve the offering through feedback and idea generation from amateur women golfers

Growing Women’s Golf through Participation
Women on the Tee aim to

  • foster a supportive and encouraging environment through which women with aspirations to improve their golfing skills can meet and play with like-minded women
  • retain and increase participation of amateur women in Golf through innovative individual & multi-day events, for individuals and groups of amateur women to play in
  • design and develop reproducible model which can be adopted by Women in Golf Charter signatory venues and event organisers

Performance & Skills Development
Women on the Tee will provide a creative schedule of events through which amateur women golfers can apply and develop the skills they have acquired through coaching and practice sessions in an inclusive and welcoming competitive environment.

Marketing and Positioning
Women on the Tee will showcase women’s golf at all levels through role models, recognition of individual achievements and competition results and outcomes.

Desired Impacts
Women on the Tee are looking to

  • raise the visibility of amateur women golfers’ commitment to, passion for and achievements within golf, to both the golf and broader sporting communities.
  • develop a community of women golfers to connect, collaborate and support one another.

Julie Walker
Founder, Women on the Tee

Any questions, queries  or concerns about Women on the Tee please email

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