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The R&A, Global Golf Course Architects and National Governing Bodies are working together to provide clubs with information and guidelines on designing course for SUSTAINABILITY and PLAYABILITY for the current and future generations of golfers, of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.

The R&A have idenitified a broad range of golf club experiences, depicted below with examples from both ends of the “golf club continuum”.

The R&A report provides guidelines for clubs to learn from and decide where they will fit in the future golf eco system.

A copy of the document is below and can be downloaded from the R&A website HERE

Golf Course Architects are planning for the futre and working with Governing Bodies and Clubs around the World, read an article about the work they are doing HERE

Has your club identified where you will fit in the future Golf Club Continuum?

Are you working on SUSTAINABILITY and PLAYABILTY when planning the future golf experience delivered by your club?

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